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Friday, July 13, 2012


This evening was cooler, a bit humid, and hazy. I went out on a nice 33K bike ride around the western edges of Luna County. I started out the usual way, heading a mile south on country club rd., then heading 10K straight west out solano. As soon as I turned onto it, there was a road sign saying be careful of loose gravel. The had put down tar and pressed gravel for the entire 10K route. Eventually it will be pressed down well and fine, but today it was pretty rough. I referenced roubaix above which is a long one day race, 21% of which is on cobblestones. Kind of what it felt like. Anyway, I then headed south figuring I would run into Rockhound road, and take that back toward home. Unfortunately, Rockhound out there heading east is dirt. So, I headed west again on the paved section of Rockhound, figuring I would find a northbound road back toward town. Unfortunately, that road, after about a mile, turned to sand. So, I did a skaters reverse, headed back the way I came, but when I got to solano, I went passed it up to florida, and took that the majority of the way home. Because it was humid, there were nice smells of cows, onions, grapes, overturned earth, etc. And since it was overcast, the scenery was enjoyable also. All in all, a nice leisurely hour and twenty minute evening ride.

1 comment:

TerribleTerry said...

You got to enjoy the two worst possible surfaces for road biking on the same ride. Deep sand, and gravel on asphalt.