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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Suzi Sees The Interventional Cardiologist!

Took Suzi in to the interventional cardiologist current need for an implant, and no need to go after her valves. He wants her back in 6 months for an Echo and evaluation. Otherwise, she has her medication improved from the medication the other asshole gave is one medicine that replaces two that is safer and more effective. The rest of the discussion was about getting her off her ass and moving and getting her diet back on track. No more three ben and jerry's pints a week! Anyway, I ran two 5k runs last week, one 8k, and one 10k. The 10k created a problem. I noticed that on all my runs, when I get somewhere between 3 and 4 miles, my form crumbles and pace disintegrates. It appears that my cardio conditioning is well ahead of my muscle and joint control. That is probably due to the bike and exercycle work. So ever since the 10k last wednesday, my back has been horrible and my feet are abuzz. I am finally able to get back on all fours (my knee handles it fine) and start to do weighted bird dogs. This has always been the go to exercise when I am having back trouble, and after I get to between 150 and 200 individual leg raises with 5lb. ankle weights, I usually have my core under control. So, this week I will probably only do 3 5k runs and hope my back is better bye next week. Again, this is gonna be one freakin' long year trying to come back to some sort of something!

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