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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Phonographic Memory!

That's a Stanley song, but it fits my current state of mental illness. They say that your mental illnesses increase as you age, and mine certainly are. Almost every conversation I have with anyone, things that they say my brain tries to connect to song lyrics. I guess my mental ipod has overflowed and swamped all the other tissue. Damn odd......
Anyway, niece Allison came down with an upper respiratory flu on saturday, so we all decided that it was best not to come and kill aunt Suzi. We did get Suzi and Allison hooked up on FaceTime and they are enjoying the heck out of video chatting. They have talked now three times. Will try to get brother Paul on also, but I am sure he will find ways to resist! Today I put a box in the mail to Allison full of family photos Suzi kept, Rita's wedding ring, Suzi's gold baby fork, her charm bracelet, a VCR tape of the family home movies that Allison will get put on disc, and odd assorted things Suzi kept. One was our baby weight every three months for the first two years of our lives. I guess I was the heaviest.
Been getting my four weekly runs in over the last month......each run being between 8 and 10K. Back seems to be holding up and buzzing in the feet was reduced with the steroid stepdown pack. Current problems are pain on top of left foot, and bone pain on right foot at the base of my middle toe. Using those bags of frozen peas I took from Suzi's freezer for my feet. See no other valuable use of frozen peas. Just can't imagine running without something hurting unfortunately. So that is about all for now. The weather this week is supposed to be 100-103, with afternoon thundershowers possible each day and humidity over 30%. Seems like everything weather wise is early.....May weather came in April, June in May, July in get the idea!

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