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Monday, February 17, 2014

And It Begins Again......

Well the doctors say what you better not do, dead dead
And the government men they're watching you, dead dead
But that won't matter in the final act
Life's to live and that's a fact
Can't forget what my dear Dad said
Livin's gonna kill ya if you aren't
Already dead....
Devin Powers And The Vents
Great three chord Kinks style song.....Anyway, got to the gym for the first time in ten days or so. It was hard, not a bunch of fun, and I am sure that I will be sore tomorrow. My plan is to attempt to structurally do a normal week.....three days at the gym and 4 runs. I will attempt to run 5K tomorrow very easy just to see if my damn lungs are functional. I feel about 80% right today, so hopefully I will improve from here. There is a 5K I want to run in april, primarily to get my neighbor Joe the shirt. He is ex military, and loves anything that supports wounded vets. I gave him a hat a while back I bought for him at the NMSU gift store, whose proceeds help wounded vets. He wears it constantly. Anyway, it all begins again......

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