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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

One Year Crash Anniversary!

Well, about an hour ago on this date last year, I got whacked by the truck. I am about 93% recovered by my own standards. Still trying to get that knee to give up a little bit more range of motion. Only time I generally notice anything is the first 2 minutes I start to run, and when I am going down steps or a sharp decline.
My next attempt to race will be Saturday September 18th. It will be a 10K, and as far as I can tell, it is not in a hilly area!
Weather looks to remain hot for the next 10 days. Kind of glad for some fall weather to arrive soon. Since going to Jersey, it has been a very hot summer, and although I used to be a stud in heat, I am losing that ability also. Just about have lost everything by now.....
My boy Terrible won't be able to do the week after the wedding in October, so we will hold off on Mesquite for now. Maybe we will try again in November for our birthdays. Will see if Ernie or Mary would want to go....
Anyway, everything else is going like it wants to go......

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