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Thursday, December 29, 2011

This Post Is For Ernie!

Ernie is my oldest and best friend. By oldest, I don't mean the oldest friend I have overall, but the one who has been my best friend the longest. Of course, it won't be long before he is the oldest also.....Anyway, he is a fairly neurotic fellow that can tell you what he spent on coffee in 1976, or how much he spent chasing women in bars in 1977. So, I thought I would produce my annual costs of movement in 2011; via car, scooter, and running! Now there will be a few estimates involved in these calculations, cause unlike Ernie, I don't get a receipt every time I scratch my testosterone shrinking testicles! So here goes:
For the car, We covered 7714 miles in 2011. All of my maintenance was free with one exception of a tire rotation and oil change outside of the scheduled free maintenance. This free ride ends in September of 2012. Gonna need new good tires probably in early 2014. So, with insurance, the car costs 21.3 cents per mile!
For the scoot, I covered 986 miles. I had one service, and will generally have one a year. It was $138 dollars, and the insurance is $576 a year. I tried to keep the insurance low, but over 50% of the cost relates to uninsured motorist coverage. Since more than half the people around me are not covered, I gotta have it. Gas for the year was a minor nuance at $76, so the cost per mile is 80 cents!
On foot, I covered 1497 miles. I don't count races in the cost as I consider them entertainment, and the diesel to get there is in the car. This year I retired 6 pairs of shoes, bought a pair of compression nickers, and three pair of compression calf sleeves. Didn't need any apparel, as I have that covered for a few years if the shorts hold up well. Now that my friend chris is an assistant coach at NMSU, he says he will get me all kinds of clothing and schwag so that ought to help. So, my total cost per mile running is 40.75 cents per mile.
I did this just for you Ern and hope you enjoy it! Have a happy and healthy new year dude and get your skinny ass out there and run!

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