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Thursday, April 19, 2012

PT Day 8!

Yesterday I did the gym routine, and then skipped my afternoon hike and spent time watching TV while doing different stances on the wobbly board. Boy oh boy is my balance for shit. From all those back surgeries, the crash, and now this, it is a wonder I can just stand on my two feet and not fall over! Today I went to the gym with the plan of stepping up the pressure on my knee. I did my 30 minutes of exercycle, and constantly pushed out the big boy gears for short periods. Twenty and thirty second bursts on level 12 and 13. Then I went to the treadmill and set it at 10 incline and walked as fast a mile as I could. Then I hobbled over to the three main leg machines, upped the weight substantially, and did knee raises, one legged presses, and those damn hamstring curls. My knees held up fine, and there seems to be no more major swelling response. This afternoon I will spend some more time on the board and see if I can get the balance of an 18 month old trying to walk! The board is only 3 inches or so off the ground, but I feel like the guy in the cartoon!

1 comment:

TerribleTerry said...

Mom better pile pillows all over the living room!!