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Monday, March 17, 2014

Smoked Gourmet Mac And Cheese And Meatloaf!

I have a particular 4 cheese gourmet mac and cheese that I have been making for the past 10 years. I decided to try smoking it along with some meatloaf. Last night I prepared the meatloafs and mac and cheese, and after getting home from the gym around 12:30, went to work smoking. The mac and cheese took about an hour and a half, the meatloaf three hours. I ended up with two one lb. loaves, and 4 good size containers of the mac and cheese. This is the finest comfort food I have ever shoveled into my pie is dangerously good and makes you prone to over eat! In a week or so, I will brine and smoke two chickens....I am slowly getting better and better at this smoking stuff.
Back is still sore, but has eased up about 50%. Got in a very slow 10K run yesterday. This will be a truly very slow recovery again....the older I get, the harder and slower they get. Don't have many of these left in me.....

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