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Sunday, September 27, 2015

I See, A Blood Moon Rising!

Finished my run tonight under a red eclipsing moon. Due to be a full eclipse in the next hour or so.....Last one I will ever see, as the next one is not due for 33 years. Although, if you believe that woman mormon prophet, this signals the beginning of the reaping, so this could be the last one anyone gets to see!

Ran another 5 day 41K week. On my monday run, I ran 8K easy and 2K hard at the end. On wednesday I Ran 8K with 26 minutes of alternating 200's. That was tough. Thursday was an easy 8K. Saturday I ran 7K with 4 bye 4 minutes at race pace with only one minute recoveries. That was also tough. Today I finished the week with an easy 8K. Happy with this amount and plan to stay around there. Just want to push out my long run one more kilometer, and get my two intense days a  week to a total of 5K of tempo/cruise intervals, and 3K of short repeats/intervals. That is about all that I care to safely try at this tender age. Was reading an article that summarized all of the recent health studies, especially cardiac for us old fucks, and it says that optimal health benefits come from 2 1/2 to 4 hours a week of running, with an 80/20 split of easy to intense. My 40K weeks push me to around 4 hours and 20 minutes, but that will be enough. What they found is that running more than 4 hours puts you  on equal footing with the sedentary regarding cardiac function, and doing too much high intensity leaves you with certain kinds of heart damage and arithmias. I have had arithmias on and off during my running career, so I am sure my heart is somewhat fucked up bye now. Anyway, don't want to drag this life out too long ......

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