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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Skeleton Elfie!

A month ago, when I was in Cruces for my one year Dub service, I stopped at a local tatoo shop and had this nice pretty gal hurt me for an hour and give me my Skeleton Elfie. Told you I was gonna do it! Sure surprised the hell out of my bride! It is nice and fully healed now!
Had another excellent running week with lots of intensity. On tuesday I ran 10K with 5 cruise intervals of 7,7,5,5, and 5 minutes at around 5 mile race pace with two minute recoveries. Damn tough workout. Wednesday was an easy 8K. Thursday was 8K with 5 bye three minutes at close to 5K race pace with 2 minute recoveries. Saturday was another 10K with a 15 and 12 minute set of tempo intervals separated by a 2 minute recovery interval. Today was 7K with 10 minutes of alternating sprints/recoveries of 30 seconds all out. So an hour and twenty minutes of intensity in 42 kilometers of running. Not too shabby!

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