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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Roid' Rage!

My allergies finally came to a massive head this week. On Wednesday, I ran the slowest 8K I have run in years. The allergies have gotten so bad, they have started to effect my lungs. So, I gave in and began to double up on the steroids.....Flonase for the sinuses, and Flovent for the lungs. Should take about three to five days for the steroids to get to full effect. Won't push the running too much until next week. The weather is going to be cold and wet as well, so my motivation probably won't swell much anyway. The only good that should come of this, is the low temperature at night will be around 29 for the next three days, so maybe that will kill that freakin' sagebrush pollen.....
Deb is in the kitchen getting the bird and sides started. We have Chris and AD coming over around 3, and we are planning to eat sometime after 5, and then we are going to watch Exodes: Gods and Kings that I recorded on HBO last week. Been raining since I got up. So I am getting an Ohio Thanksgiving....

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