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Friday, April 13, 2018

Seeing The End Coming More Clearly!

Had Cataract surgery on my left eye with a lens implant on Thursday. Tender and a bit blurry yet, but no real pain. Worst part is another 6 days free of exercise and special care. Vision in right eye is 20/20, but this eye appears not to be quite as cooperative. 20/60 a few hours after surgery, and seems sharper today, but certainly not 20/20. Hope is to get to 20/30 and not need to have a contact in that eye, and escape the need for glasses other than readers for close up stuff.....
Heart remains another matter. Still have  mild Afib, which in general is not bothersome, except it horribly limits endurance exercise. Heart rate does not seem connected to activity in any meaningful way, and my exercise tolerance is horrid. The other problem remains the bradycardia that occurs in the hour after the exercise ends, falling into the high 30's for now. Before last ablation, when 4 months of work got me to being able to jog 30-40 minutes, it dropped twice to 32 and 31, which does not feel very pleasant. I plan to see the EP after we return from Padre in late may to see where I stand. If the problem remains Afib, I would try one last ablation, but only by Dr. Natale, the nations best, in Austin Texas. If they determine that the problem is more with the AV node, your hearts computer that controls it electrically, I would push for a pacemaker implant to take over the electrical function. So for now, just gotta be patient and do what I can do.....gym and recumbent work fine, walk jogs suck, but I will keep doing what my heart allows..........

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