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Friday, May 18, 2018

Time To Get Paced!

On Wednesday they will finally put a pacer in me. Have been expecting this for some time. I will have the procedure at 2 PM mountain time. I will be awake for it. They will first open a vessel in my neck and feed two electrical lines down into my right ventrical and left aorta. They then do a small charge to see that conduction occurs and the lines are seated. Then they make a small slit under you collar bone, attach the lines, and test it. The last step is to slide the silver dollar sized pacemaker into the pocket under your collar bone, and sew it up. After that is accomplished, they will make a small pen sized incision in my pec to remove the loop recorder that has been in place for the past 13 months.
Not concerned about being awake for it. They give you stupid pills to relax you. Did that for the catherization. They need you awake so that if you feel any pain during any of it you can inform them. The hard part is another recovery. For two weeks, not allowed to raise my arm over my head or lift anything heavier than a milk carton. Don't know why they always use that analogy. Then I can at least do some walking for two more weeks, and then I am free to go back to any and all exercise activities. Doc said I wouldn't try to do heavy exercises or squats though, as this can push the pacer out of its pocket. I said look at you think I do that?
So that is that for now. This pacemaker will stop my bradycardia where my HR drops into the low 30's. It will be set somewhere between 50-60. Secondly, it will recognize the problem that appears often to trigger much of my afib, and that is PVC's. I have more of those than my current Afib load of around 1.5%. Thirdly, this pacemaker has something called reactive ATP which is supposed to reduce afib reactions, so all in all, am hoping this gives me some degree of exercise tolerance that I currently don"t have. The pacer battery should go 10-13 years, longer than I will be alive, is bluetooth encrypted/secured to allow them to use a smart phone to change settings, upgrade,  and read data. Had to make sure Deb couldn't be able to shut me off with her iphone! So that is that!

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