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Friday, June 28, 2019

World Banks Economic Engineering!

Well, no luck so far on the house sales front. Continuing to get in my 30+ kilometers of running per week, but really been tough the past two weeks in this summer heat wave. Hoping we get to monsoon season soon.
Debt....Half of Americans are drowning in debt and couldn't come up with $500 in an emergency without selling something or borrowing the money from somewhere or someone. Corporations and countries are in no better shape. We are at historic debt levels everywhere. Lets say you have $28000 of assorted debt and you consolidate it to a long term low cost loan.  Great, you have managed to push your debt out in time. Your next logical step is to then attack that debt as aggressively as possible, not to say "we're all clear, lets borrow a shit more". No country has yet to escape a negative interest rate environment. Currently a quarter of the worlds economies are operating in a negative rate environment. Japan has done so for 30 years and remains a zombie economy. The US will soon work its way down to an effective negative rate environment. What that says is that your country is effectively, for the moment, currently bankrupt, you can't service your debt, and you need to push your debt into the future. Our massive unnecessary tax cut in 2018 is driving our national debt into a massive hole. We will join Europe soon. Engineering will fail. Shortly, central banks will print more money, devalue their currencies against each other, and create a hyper inflated world where more economies will collapse. I have never before been a gold bug kind of guy, but maybe that hard asset has found its historical time again. One of my boy's favorite sayings is that people often over estimate the value of their future earnings, and see that as an escape from stupidity. This is going to end so very badly......

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